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Meet Your Trainer

Hi I’m Ashley!

I’ve been working in the fitness industry since ‘15. My passion for fitness began when I hired my first personal trainer in ‘13. As a teen I never understood how to lose weight; I thought I just had to exercise a lot and eat low carb foods, which didn’t work very well - nor did it feed my soul. I saw exercise as a punishment and “healthy” food as unenjoyable. My PT educated and guided me in understanding the correlation between exercise, nutrition, creating a nourishing lifestyle I loved and a positive mindset. I learned I could enjoy food and still get great results.

Not only did I lose over 10kg and build muscle, I learned to value myself and my worth, I started to enjoy life and live life with confidence.

From my experience I knew I wanted to help others start their journey to feeling as wonderful as I began to; both mentally and physically. I studied personal training, nutrition, energy healing, and life coaching to be able to provide the most care and education to my clients, so I could be the support they need on all different levels of their journey. 

The way I provide a holistic approach to personal training is I help you combine the dots between mindset, nutrition, moving your body and connecting with your true self. I take a gentler approach to PT making self care a priority, and help you to listen to your body rather than your mind. We work to overcome the blocks holding you back to feeling your best self!

I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship(s) cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I work with my clients to get in touch with their body’s needs because I understand that life happens and your needs will change. I want to equip you with the self-awareness to make the best decisions for yourself in any given circumstance. I believe each person is fully capable of making well-informed decisions as their own expert, not the latest magazine article or fad diet book.

Join me on the journey to feeling CONFIDENT and strong!

10 years ago in the left photos I could tell you some days I felt confident, but most days I felt I wasn’t good enough, I struggled with an eating disorder on and off and didn’t know how to build true self worth. I based my worth on my looks, & what people thought of me rather than being the real me. I made many unloving choices like a lot of teens do! Ate a lot of junk food & takeaway, drank a lot of alcohol, didn’t exercise much etc. It took me many years to realise this:⁣⁣

Self worth comes from inside our hearts, our heart knows exactly what our body and soul needs to feel our best - whether this be hiring a trainer who teaches you how to change your habits and holds you accountable, eating supportive and nourishing meals, exercising, truly dealing with and overcoming our hurts, taking a nap, finding time to relax, letting go of expectations etc⁣⁣⁣
When we care for our body & soul, we make nourishing choices that lead us to our true body shape. Everyone’s true shape is very different, so it’s very important not to compare your body to someone else’s, appreciate your own true shape & celebrate your big & little wins along the way. Trust yourself & choose loving choices. When you don’t choose the most loving choice (because we are all human) be kind to yourself and know you did the best you could. Let go of the judgement & keep moving forward. ❤️🤍

  • Cert 3 in Fitness - Fitness Industry Training

  • Cert 4 in Fitness - Fitness Industry Training

  • Sports Nutritionist - Sports Nutrition Australia

  • Clinical pilates instructor - mat & equipment - Unite Health

  • Mat & Reformer pilates instructor - Barre Body

  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • Energy Healing & Life Coaching - Sacred Esoteric Healing Adv. Level 1 & Adv. Level 2 - College of Uni Med

  • Diploma of Business - Eagle Academy

Specialties: Self Love & Worth and Body Love, Confidence, Strength, Nutrition, Mindset, Weight loss, Energy, Life Mentoring.