Holistic Personal Training

& Nutrition

Online Coaching / 0411 795 484

Every day is another chance to be the best version of yourself.

Ashley Anna

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Hi I’m Ashley!

I’ve been working in the fitness industry since ‘15. My passion for fitness began when I hired my first personal trainer in ‘13. As a teen I never understood how to lose weight; I thought I just had to exercise a lot and eat low carb foods, which didn’t work very well - nor did it feed my soul. I saw exercise as a punishment and “healthy” food as unenjoyable. My PT educated and guided me in understanding the correlation between exercise, nutrition, creating a nourishing lifestyle I loved and a positive mindset. I learned I could enjoy food and still get great results.

Not only did I lose over 10kg and build muscle, I learned to value myself and my worth, I started to enjoy life and live life with confidence.

From my experience I knew I wanted to help others start their journey to feeling as wonderful as I began to; both mentally and physically. I studied personal training, nutrition, energy healing, and life coaching to be able to provide the most care and education to my clients, so I could be the support they need on all different levels of their journey. 

The way I provide a holistic approach to personal training is I help you combine the dots between mindset, nutrition, moving your body and connecting with your true self. I take a gentler approach to PT making self care a priority, and help you to listen to your body rather than your mind. We work to overcome the blocks holding you back to feeling your best self!

Join me on the journey to feeling CONFIDENT and strong!


0411 795 484


Personal Training

Personal training can help you to:

Build a healthy relationship with your body

Have more self confidence 

Get stronger physically and mentally

Build muscle & tone your body

Create a self loving practice

Move without pain

Correct your posture

Increase your Fitness Level

Have more flexibility

Reduce Stress and Anxiety? 

Just Get Healthier and Eat better?

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Health Coaching

Tired of one-size-fits-all approaches to dieting?

Drained from toxic relationships?

Overwhelmed by stress at work? 

Fed up with those nagging cravings?

Want to feel great in your body?

Ready to accomplish your goals in a way that’s empowering and exciting?

Online Coaching & Programs

Online Coaching & Programs

How many times have you started a fitness program, but quickly fell back into old habits and patterns and were not able to achieve the goal you intended to? Although there are many reasons that can attribute to this, I believe the biggest reasons people don't accomplish their goal is lack of structure, lack of knowledge, lack of accountability, and limiting beliefs.

With my programs and online coaching you learn how to overcome these challenges, have structure, access tools to achieve your goals, learn health hacks, mindset tips, and get support along the way.

Client Success & Testimonials

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“ Four key words caring, personal, positive and professional is how I would describe Annaca Health.

Ashley’s caring approach put me at ease starting my journey to become healthy and happy.

Ashley took the time to listen and understand me and with her vast knowledge in health and fitness created a plan/pathway which is realistic and sustainable.

For me i thought losing the weight was what I needed but with Ashley’s guidance I found having a Positive mindset, good diet and regular exercise are my keys to success and achieving my goals.

I am still on my journey but I would highly recommend Annaca Health if you are looking for a way to improve your health and well being.

Thank you Ashley for being there for me. “

-Leanne McGuiness

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“Ash is the best in the business to seaking help in a healthy life followed with eating and training well.. there is no other Mentor that i can highly recommend to help with this but Ash!!..”

- Aaron Chang

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“Ashley at Annaca Health was completely professional and understanding and stood beside me in helping me achieve my goals. Annaca training along side me kept me driven to be the best I could be. Totally recommend Ashley.”

- Judy Gee

“It didn't take me long to realise that Ashley's knowledge on nutrition and fitness is exceptional. Plus a personality perfect for coaching. If there is anyone I trust to get my health and fitness on the right track,, it is hers:)”

- Yolandi Fraken

Get in touch today

ashley@annacahealth.com / 0411 795 484